About me

Welcome to my page ! My name is Bari Soreia. Soreia is my original name and means the 'Golden High Priestess'. My spirit guide is Shakti Kali. My higher self is Melek Metatron. I come from the gold-blue frequency with the number 9, which stands for magic in perfection. I have been working successfully with energies for many years now. I am a certified human energist, REIKI Grand Master, clearing therapist, TARASS healer according to Kryon, modern healer according to Kryon, QMT master, magician of the new time according to Kryon, Runa Energie Master & radaesthesist. In addition, I have other qualifications that allow me to work with energies. EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE IS ENERGY ENERGY NEVER LOST ENERGY IS FORMABLE I help you with disharmonies through powerful, energetic treatments. My specialty is long-distance applications, which are as practical as they are efficient. Energy is not tied to time and place. I only serve as a healing channel and do not transmit my own energy, but highly frequented light. I don't heal, just activate your self-healing powers. I bring the client to an optimal energy level, so to speak, which is also measurable. Each soul decides when it is ready to absorb these energies. I have a small range of energy systems, energetic training as well as remote treatments & clearing available to people and business premises. I am also constantly training and so from time to time there are also new energy systems and training courses to be booked. Applications & procedure I always need the full name, date of birth and a photo. For clearing a living space, I also need the exact address and, if available, a construction plan. As soon as you have ordered and paid in the shop, I will contact you within 24 hours and then start working. Throughout the treatment period we stay in touch by email or phone and I am available to answer any questions. Treatments I work with energies and these can always be transformed. However, it takes some TIME. Unfortunately, it does not work at the push of a button, because in the course of a lifetime a lot of disharmonious energy can accumulate in the body / soul / spirit system and this can rarely be removed with one treatment. I recommend up to 3 applications for mental disharmonies and some more for physical ones. Analysis In the pre-analysis (can be ordered in the shop), I test whether and what kind of energetic loads are present. There is also a small pre-analysis on the person. The following are measured: Energetic & karmic degree of stress; State of aura & chakras; Biostatus; Examination for attachments / implants / external energies / curses / karmic entanglements; Current radaesthetic color, which gives an indication of the physical / mental state. Energy Systems & Remote Initiations The energies you receive are from the highest divine source and your vibration frequency is increased more and more each time. After receiving an initiation you are able to pass on the initiation or give healing sessions. Strong or very strong energies can flow during an initiation. Here, too, it is important that your physical and psychological resilience is a prerequisite and that you are responsible for what you experience. Note I expressly point out that in some cases an initial worsening can occur, because every healing is preceded by a cleaning. Detoxification processes take place at all levels so that recovery can then occur. The more intensely the client works on himself, the faster results will be shown. Everyone should take responsibility for themselves and transform their lives so that it runs more harmoniously. If a person does not change anything in life, it is in the way of healing! Important I cannot and cannot give a guarantee! I reserve the right to refuse cases from time to time - with reasons. At this point I am obliged to mention: This energy work should always be seen as an additional, individual treatment measure. Human energetics does not replace treatment by a doctor and a visit to the doctor does not replace energetic applications!
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